We are not advertising a Sale Price. In today’s market and with these choice locations we are utilizing a sale process used in the Commercial Market and for the residential market common in locations like Australia and Europe. We are accepting “Expressions of Interest”. For these residential properties this is simply a letter in which the buyers disclose their purchase offer, names, full contact information, and a letter from your lender stating you are qualified for the amount you are tendering. If you offer is acceptable we will then prepare a sales contract using a promulgated Texas Real Estate Commission form or one prepared by an attorney.
Please keep in mind we are real estate brokers and investors not home builders. We will work with your, Realtor, builder, direct you to draftsman such as Larry Shelburne.
If you are just satisfying curiosity and shopping values, you will likely get frustrated with our lack of free flow of information and answers.
We seek to populate these lots with owners wanting a home we ask that you have a minimum 72 square foot front porch and a front lawn not a concrete parking lot.
These lots are build ready with utilities. Water, sewage, natural gas. and internet and or cable service by AT&T, Spectrum or Grade Communications.
We are using First Title Waco for escrow, title insurance and closing services.